Pest Identification for insects in Southwestern PA

Deer Mouse/White-Footed Mouse
Deer Mice or White-Footed Mice have the same coloring as a whitetail deer. They can climb but are usually found on the ground.
Size: 2 ¾- to 4-inches long plus the tail 2 to 5 inches long.
Color: Brown back and tail, white stomach
Activity/Behavior: The deer mouse is the principle rodent species associated with the transmission of a deadly virus, Hantavirus. Hantavirus is transmitted through the inhaling dust created by droppings and urine of infected mice.
Where They Live: Deer mice make their nests in hollow logs and tree stumps, under logs and stones, and occasionally in bird nests and shallow burrows. In the fall and winter, deer mice enter houses, garages and outbuildings, and occasionally campers and other infrequently used vehicles. Once inside, they can cause significant damage to furnishings and stored materials as they search for food and construct their nests. They are nocturnal and are rarely seen outside.
Tips for Control: While the risk of finding a hantavirus-infected deer mouse is low, we still advise that a homeowner proceed with caution.
How Sean Rock Exterminating Can Help: All rodents (including rats) are hard to catch and move quickly. The technician will inspect, make observations, and take the necessary steps to correct the problem. He or she may ask questions and make recommendations to you, our client. Sean Rock Exterminating can help you get rid of rats.
Sean Rock Exterminating follows a strict set of guidelines to ensure your health and safety. We use only products which are registered with the EPA.

House Mouse
The House Mouse is the most common and economically important commensal rodent, meaning it lives among humans. The mouse’s face is pointed; it has large ears, and the eyes are small.
Size: 3 to 4 inches long, the tail itself is also 3 to 4 inches long
Color: Gray
Activity/Behavior: They mice tend to produce the largest litters in the spring and can be found throughout the United States. They are good climbers, can jump 12 inches high. They can jump down from eight feet.
Where They Live: They nest in dark secluded areas, especially around paper, cardboard, attic insulation, and cotton. They eat seeds and cereals, usually just at dusk and just before dawn.
Tips for Control: Because house mice are associated with the spread of salmonella contamination and leprospirosis, we encourage a professional be contacted.
How Sean Rock Exterminating Can Help: All rodents (including mice) are hard to catch and move quickly. The technician will inspect, make observations, and take the necessary steps to correct the problem. He or she may ask questions and make recommendations to you, our client. Sean Rock Exterminating can help you get rid of rats.
Sean Rock Exterminating follows a strict set of guidelines to ensure your health and safety. We use only products which are registered with the EPA.

Norway Rat
The Norway rat is the largest rodent to live among humans. Its fur is coarse and shaggy. The muzzle is blunt with small eyes and ears. The tail is bi-colored and shorter than the head and body combined.
Size: 7 to 10 inches long, and the tail itself is 6 to 8 inches long
Color: Brown with some black
Activity/Behavior: Rats have a poor sight but keen senses of smell, taste, hearing, and touch. They are nocturnal. They are vectors for various diseases (such as leptospirosis) and occasionally bite. They can also do significant structural damage and product destruction.
Where They Live: Rats nest in burrows in the soil (under sidewalks and concrete pads, near stream/river banks, railroad track beds, next to buildings, in low ground cover). The burrow typically has one main entry hole and one escape hole.
Tips for Control: Because of the diseases associated with rats, it is encouraged that a professional be called right away to set up traps.
How Sean Rock Exterminating Can Help: All rodents (including rats) are hard to catch and move quickly. The technician will inspect, make observations, and take the necessary steps to correct the problem. He or she may ask questions and make recommendations to you, our client. Sean Rock Exterminating can help you get rid of rats.
Sean Rock Exterminating follows a strict set of guidelines to ensure your health and safety. We use only products which are registered with the EPA.