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Pest Identification for insects in Southwestern PA



Types of spiders include black widow spiders, brown recluse spiders, common house spiders, hobo spiders, jumping spiders, daddy long-legs, wolf spiders, sac spiders and many more. At last count, there were over 3000 species of spiders in North American.


Spiders rarely bite but people with compromised immune systems and allergies can have serious reactions.


Spiders are attracted in large numbers on buildings with bright exterior lighting. The lights attract a variety of flying insects on which the spiders feed. Yellow light bulbs are less attractive than white lights. Openings in exterior walls and in door thresholds allow the spiders to enter your home. Spiders can also enter your home by hitchhiking on boxes or other items.


Wolf Spiders, Daddy Long-Legs, and Sac Spiders.


Wolf Spiders are often big and hairy with a dark brown body and light stripes. They are active at night. These spiders don't make webs and instead chase their prey. Just like wolves, they make their homes in caves or burrows. Wolf spiders also have teeth-like fangs.


Daddy Long Legs are sometimes called harvestmen, shepherd spiders, grandfather graybeards, and opilionids. These spiders can't bite since their fangs are very small. During the day, they hide in shady areas. Daddy Long Legs build many tangled webs in corners and hang out on them.


Sac Spiders are yellow and tiny. They are nighttime hunters that search for prey without webs. These spiders produce egg sacs to protect their eggs. The egg sacs are found in the upper corners of rooms, behind pictures, curtains and blinds.

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